LED Upgrade for Newer (01 type) Editors
Upgrade your image brightness and color by replacing the picture lamp with a LED light source.
- Cool white light source provides an extra bright image.
- No infrared heat to damage film.
- User adjustable brightness level for RUN mode.
- User adjustable brightness level for STOP mode.
- User adjustable time interval (1-59 seconds) for going to STOP brightness from RUN mode.
- This allows for plenty of time to photograph the stopped image on the screen at the RUN brightness level.
- User adjustable brightness level for an extra dim brightness level.
- User adjustable time interval (1-120 min) to go to the extra dim brightness level.
- 2 Year warranty includes parts and labor.
- Only 35mm editors that have the picture lamp holder style shown above are eligible for the LED upgrade.
- This upgrade is only installable by The Boston Connection. Price listed includes installation once we are on-site.
- Components include the LED Projection Lamp Control Board, The LED Power Supply Board, and the LED light source.
- The OEM Lamp Dimming Board CAN NOT be used once this upgrade has been installed.